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How To Improve Yourself By Accepting Yourself

When it comes to Self-Improvement, there exist two sets of people who are seeking to improve themselves. We have the ones who feel that they are bad and desire to be OK and on the other hand the ones who feel they are OK and want to be better. I discovered this while reading the article: 5 Problems with the Self-Help Industry.

In the article, these two sets of individuals are referred to as Bad-to-OK and OK-to-Great respectfully. I actually fall in the Bad-to-OK category as I am such an introvert. But over time, despite the tonnes of books and articles I have been reading about Self-Improvement and failing to successfully apply all the advice, I decided to start accepting myself. Accepting who you are as you are is a major step to your Self-Improvement journey.

Who Are You? How Do You Accept Yourself?

Accepting yourself starts with discovering who you are. You can't accept someone you don't know (I mean yourself). I'm talking about your character, likes, dislikes, fears, passions and inspirations. You need to know all of them to be able to define your personality.

This may be a long process for some people to get to discover their personality especially younger persons who in their early twenties can have a confusing personality. But as you get older, it becomes clearer and easier to discover who you are.

Here are the best ways to discover your personality:

- Be honest with yourself and do some soul-searching. Take note of things you already know about yourself.

- Ask a trusted and understanding friend about yourself and your character. I insist on a trusted somebody because you need to feel comfortable while talking to and listening to the person so that you can get the best and most honest response from them. This will open your eyes to so many parts of your life you did not know about.

- Take a personality test to know not only your weaknesses but also your strengths. I recommend the personality test on the site clarityonfire.com.


How To Really Know Yourself

How much do you know yourself? 

It's one thing to discover your personality but it's another thing to get to know yourself. It's like being your own personal friend on a daily basis by understanding your actions and reactions towards people and situations.

- Don't force yourself to react as anyone else would or should in general situations. You are trying to know yourself better so no need to be worried about how you will be seen or viewed. Stay nice but true to yourself.

- Don't be afraid to spend time with yourself to think, dream and fantasise. You need to know your fantasies, they are secret desires. Your dreams represent your future and your thoughts represent who you are.

How To Accept & Fall In Love With Yourself

- Loving does not only mean accepting the things you don't like about yourself, but it also means you get to improve on them. It means loving yourself enough to want to help yourself out of any physical or mental aspect of your life you are not comfortable with.

- Realise that your personality is who you are and that's what defines you, so love that personality - introvert or extrovert. Don't be who you are not.

- Accept the flaws of your personality and decide to work on them at your pace. It takes time. Be gentle with yourself.

- Accepting your personality helps reduce your fears when confronting situations you are not used to managing. Phobia of crowds or speaking in public? Accept these aspects of your character for it is part of your personality. This will enable you to reduce your fear of it showing when you acknowledge this about yourself because you know it already.

How to Improve Yourself by Accepting Yourself

It also takes away the fear of not knowing how you will react in that situation because knowing your fear makes you calm enough to manage it better and talk about it freely.

So there you go. Start getting to know yourself in order to love and improve on yourself.



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