F This Is Why People Tell You, You Have Changed - My Local Adventures Blog

This Is Why People Tell You, You Have Changed

I came across a post on Facebook that reminded me of how much I have been told that I have changed. What surprised me is that these were people I have not met in quite a long time. They seemed surprised at how much I have changed and it made me surprised as well.

Life is all about change

This Is Why People Tell You, You Have Changed

As time goes on, we have new experiences that impact us in different ways. These new experiences help us learn new things and become better versions of ourselves.

But it still surprises some people that you are not the same person they knew a year, two or ten ago.

It's amazing that people expect you to be the same girl/boy they knew years or months ago.

I have met people who have told me how much I am no longer the girl they used to know and how much I have changed.

But of course, I am not the same person as yesterday. I have met new people, I have loved again, I have visited new places, I have experienced new joys, pain and tears. They have all impacted me and contributed to the person I am today.

I don't know if people want you to be the same because they don't expect you to change or because they don't want you to change.

They may regret why they didn't value you more in the past and want things to go on as before.

Change is inevitable after every relationship is broken. We need to get to know each other again, understand and tolerate all over again for it to be rebuilt.

This is because, in life we love, we grow, we move on, we get new experiences, we meet new people and learn new habits.

When you cut links with someone today, you are opening them to new relationships that will change their lives.

If you left someone and returned to find them the same person, then don't be surprised that you would leave them again.



  1. Oh I've been here...in recent years actually. I try not to take it too personally when people make 'you've changed' comments to/about me. Most times when I get them it's because I've changed some regular habit or stopped going to some place regularly, life changes like that. I think friends say those things because your 'change' maybe reflects on their 'sameness' It may also be the human nature of wanting to have a 'partner in crime' and feeling some type of way when your partner in crime turns a new leaf, so to speak. I've learnt to just let the comments slide because at some point or another, even if it takes a longer time, that person will 'change' too.

    Loving the look of your blog x

    1. You are so right Talisa
      People still need their partner in crime
      As you said the best way is to let their comments slide
      Thanks for your wonderful contribution dear

  2. I hate it when people say this as though it's a bad thing. 9 times out of 10, change is good, as long as it was your decision to change. You're exactly right: we change each day. We grow each day. It's one of the best things about being alive; our personality and looks are never set in stone, we can be whoever we want, whenever we want. Don't let anybody make you feel guilty for growing and just being you!


    1. You are so right Indya dear
      Change is one of the best things about being alive
      Thanks for stopping by and leaving this super comment

  3. I think it is great you have changed. Change is a sign of growth, there is no evolution without it.
    I think sometimes people get uncomfortable because seeing the change in someone else life can force them to think about the changes that need to happen in their life. If you run into someone that was once int he same spot as you and have evolve into something else, it will force you to look at your life and how you have done and changed since.
    I always take it as a compliment when told I have changed.
    Enjoy the rest of you week dear :)
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡

    1. Thanks Sauniya dear
      You are so right
      Another person's change will definitely cause you to ask yourself questions
      Thanks so much for sharing your point of view

  4. i swear... u di talk like say you di joke, its soo truth. Abi thanks for these wouderful advices.
