F Why I Cherish My Alone Time - My Local Adventures Blog

Why I Cherish My Alone Time

If you didn't already know, I am an introvert and there is no doubt about that. And I love spending time with myself.

My alone time is so precious to me. Fellow introverts will understand. But having some alone time is not only an introvert thing. It's necessary to spend some time with yourself every now and then.

It's just that introverts get tired of assimilating information (because we need to process it later) ...don't ask me why. So for someone like me, alone time is very precious.

Why I Cherish My Alone Time

Here is why I cherish spending time with ma self

It's time for me to recharge and reboot

Dealing with life and being 'on the go' daily is really energy draining. Staying away from it all to spend time with me helps me find myself and regain my energy to face it again. It makes me take a break and lets my brain rest.

It's time for me to get creative

It's just me and my brains during my alone time and just the best time to create something new and beautiful. I focus more and come up with a well-thought idea because all distractions are cut off. This helps me to be more productive especially as a blogger.

It helps me relax and meditate deeply

Coming back to my calm self requires deep relaxation and meditation on my purpose in life. Staying alone provides the chance to retreat and meditate. It's true I try to meditate almost everywhere but it's even better when I am alone. Some spa treatments and a good meal enable more relaxation.

It helps me make better decisions

Without the influence of anyone or anything, decisions made during my alone time are well thought of. I have enough time to think about it without being interrupted and can seek advice or counselling if I need to in a calm mood.

So do you have any alone time? How does it help you in your daily life?

Thanks for reading this post. I hope you liked it. I'll see you in my next one.




  1. I get this. It's so true, sometimes, you just need you. Without all the noise of distraction, silence give way to new thoughts, new perspective and ideas. I love my silence also.

    1. Of course Yuen.
      It's easier to come up with new ideas while alone
      Thanks for commenting

  2. I've needed alone time so much more since the kids came along. Their needs are constant and it's nice to be able to finish a thought!

  3. I definitely can relate. The 'alone' times help one to reflect and to recharge. It can be energy- draining being in d midst of crowd and yes. It helps our creativity too. I totally love my alone peaceful times. Lovely post!
