F From Dreamer To Great Achiever: How To Turn Your Dreams In To Achievable Goals - My Local Adventures Blog

From Dreamer To Great Achiever: How To Turn Your Dreams In To Achievable Goals

There are lots of contradicting information out there about pursuing your dreams. But I am a great supporter of following your dreams. I just can't imagine a world without dreamers. 

There will be no innovation and if there is any it will be by accident. Who wants to live in a world like that? Definitely, not me. To live in a world where there are no people who are passionate about something can be depressing. 

We all should have dreams. We have to do what we love to do. Live the life we want to live. What are your dreams? What is your dream life?

Great achievements start with a dream, an image or thought that kept someone awake all night. Then they become goals and later achievements. 

The story of Joseph in the bible is a good example of a dreamer who became a high achiever. But is it enough to just dream? Or only imagine the things we want to achieve in life? In this post, I will show you how to make your dreams become a reality.

From Dreamer To Great Achiever: How To Turn Your Dreams In To Achievable Goals

How To Turn Your Dreams Into Achievable Goals

1. First of all Dream (Have a vision)

To achieve a dream you have to have a dream. You need to have a vision of what you want for your life. A vision a general image of what you want to achieve.

How do you see yourself living in the next 5 or 10 years to come? What do want to invest your time, money and energy in? What lifestyle do you want to live?

Here are some questions you should answer while having your vision.

2. Find a role model(s) of your dream life

Who are those in the world or around you who are already doing what you dream of doing, living the way you want to live?

Are there people who are already living the life you dream of having? Is there someone you know who has your dream job or your dream career?

Find those people and learn from them how they did it. Read their life stories to know how they became who they are. Now, this doesn't mean that you should copy their lives but just get the lessons they share about their lives and use their story as a guide to finding your own path.

3. Find out what you need to do to realize this dream

Finding a role model is just one step to achieving your dreams. But sometimes there could be no role model in the field you want to go into. While finding one, do a lot of research concerning what you want to do.

I will strongly recommend the internet because it gives you a wide variety of (false and correct) information so be careful. Information on the internet is frequently updated so you will have access to current information in your field.

Also talking to a mentor and learning from your role model(s) is highly recommended as mentioned earlier.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself at this stage: What skills do I need to achieve my dream? Do I have the said skills? How can I get/work on this skill to help me achieve my dream?

Read books and blogs to find out how to become who you want to be. Also, attend seminars and workshops related to what you need to know.

4. Set your Goals

Decide how and when to start taking action to achieve your dreams.  Don't wait to be perfectly equipped to start working towards your vision.

Make a plan. Here are some key questions to answer: What skills am I lacking and what resources do I already have? How do I use what I have to start achieving my goal now? 

Break your major goals into smaller ones and make plans to achieve them. Remember that every little action takes you closer to your main goal. Give yourself a time frame to realize your goals.

5. Take Action on your goals: Put the knowledge you acquired to use

This is the most important part. It's not enough to make plans. Plans won't realise themselves. Put all the knowledge you got to use.

Start doing the things you are meant to do in order to achieve your dream. Do some self-development, acquire the skills needed to achieve your dream and practice to make progress.

Take action towards your goals such as; taking an online course or training, start working with your mentor, start working on your personal brand, start investing in that business idea, etc.

6. Evaluate your efforts

Use your time frame to evaluate how close you are to your goal.

Most importantly don't give up! There will be challenges but don't let it discourage you. You may experience delays and lose confidence when you don't meet up with deadlines but just take a break, remember why you are doing this (your vision) and keep going towards it.

Hope this motivates you today. 



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