F 6 Kinds Of Neighbours You'll Have In Cameroon - My Local Adventures Blog

6 Kinds Of Neighbours You'll Have In Cameroon

Good neighbours are hard to find. It is possible to find a good house in a good neighbourhood but your neighbours may make life easy or difficult for you. You may decide to mind your business but whatever they do will affect you one way or the other.

In order to get you prepared, here are the various types of neighbours you'll possibly have in Cameroon.

6 Kinds Of Neighbours You'll Have In Cameroon

The noisy neighbours

These are the ones who party all the time. They play the loudest music, sing the loudest, scream and laugh the loudest. They always have lots of friends come over to visit them or sleepover. And guess what, their friends are just as loud as them. If you have such neighbours and you are the exact opposite of their lifestyle, living with them will be challenging.

It may be annoying to tell them to tone down the noise from time to time but it's necessary to do so when you really feel disturbed.

The quiet, solitary or private ones

This category will not bother you because they naturally don't want to be bothered. They are in their own corner living their lives and minding their own business. They interact when they want to but would only do so when it's accepted by the other neighbours. They do what is right to avoid conflict of any kind and will tolerate others for the sake of peace.

These are often the best neighbours to have, though it may be boring at times for those who love to interact all the time with those around them.

The angry and snobbish ones

There are some neighbours who are always in a bad mood. They always seem angry or upset or worried about one thing or the other. They also get angry easily and will scare other neighbours away with the way they respond to them.

Some may go for days, weeks or years without talking to you or snob you openly because of a problem you had with them or their kids.

Dealing with such people may be hard but it is important to maintain a calmer attitude in times of conflict with such people.

The neighbours who will not mind their business - gossip and nosy people

These ones are the neighbours who want to know everything about your activities in order to tell others or gossip. They will ask others about you, ask you what you are doing, how you live and even what you eat.

They always have stories to tell you about the other neighbours and don't mind telling you what other people said or think about you.

The best way to deal with such neighbours is to avoid them and not share your opinion about anyone with them.

The neighbours who must live in a community 

While it is good to be on your own, it is also good to have a little sense of community living. But some neighbours want to live a community life with you in every aspect. They get angry when you go to the market without telling them. They get upset when you sweep your front yard without sweeping theirs. They do things for you without you asking and will get upset when you don't do it to them in return.

It's hard to deal with this if you are such a private person because living with your neighbours as a community is necessary but at the same time you just want to live your own life without carrying other people's problems on your shoulders.

The best way is to do what you feel is enough and don't go the extra mile to please a neighbour because he/she is rendering services you didn't ask for. Don't let guilt make you do more than you can do.

The neighbours who beg all the time

This one is understandable sometimes but hilarious at times. These are the neighbours who beg for everything. From kitchen utensils like salt, matches, knife and oil as well as things like iron and soap. We all beg from our neighbours sometimes but the thing with this category of neighbours is that they beg for the same thing every day. The most annoying part is that they may never buy their own because they can beg from you. Some of them will purposely omit these items from their shopping list because they have plans to beg it from you.

I don't want to be the one to advise you to start sending away neighbours coming to beg for one item or the other but you know the limit of how much you can give. It left for you to judge. Meanwhile, there are some neighbours who are less privileged and genuinely can't afford the things that they ask for. While placing barriers, it is good to take that into consideration.

Those, my friends, are the different kinds of neighbours you will find in Cameroon. Can you identify someone on this list or can you identify yourself on it? What kind of neighbour are you?

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