F How To Know When You've Had Enough Self Development - My Local Adventures Blog

How To Know When You've Had Enough Self Development

I have come across many articles saying that self-development and motivation didn't work for them. I understand. I felt the same way about self-development at one time. I asked myself what's the point if I still feel discouraged and less confident? But like this saying by Zig Ziglar “Motivation doesn’t last. Neither do showers. That’s why they’re recommended daily.”

Yet this doesn't mean that you can't get enough of self-development. It's necessary to improve and develop yourself daily but you may also need to stop or slow down for a while in order to get the best out of it.

How to know when you've had enough self-development

You don't feel like consuming more self-developing content

It doesn't entice you any longer.

Reading or listening to self-development makes you feel worse

Self-development can make you feel worse when all you do is read books, and blogs and watch videos or audios without a break. 

When you feel that it's not working for you

When you don't see as much result as the effort you put into self-development, you may begin to feel like you need to stop because it's not working. 

When everything you see about self-development is Deja Vu

Does every content you see on self-development look familiar? Do you feel like you've seen it or read it all already? When you can tell the rest of the article or video after seeing the title or intro then you've consumed enough self-development content.

When you are looking for something new, personal or specific

When you are looking for more personal information that applies to you and what you are passing through, then you have consumed a lot of self-development content. 

What do you do after you have consumed enough self-development content?

How To Know When You've Had Enough Self Development

Practice what you have learnt from all the self-development articles, audio and videos.

Take out time to try them out and verify the information you have acquired.

Give yourself time to learn your new habits.

Rome was not built in a day. You need time to learn new habits and practice them in order to see results.

Take it easy with acquiring more self-development knowledge

Slow down on getting more self-development ideas. Work on the knowledge you already have.

Stick to just motivation for the main time

Have your daily dose of motivation while you apply other self-development tricks you have learnt. 

Self-development is great but can be overwhelming when you are not seeing results or have had too much of it. 



  1. 🤔 A person will need to put those self-development techniques that they learned into practice.

    Also, what motivates one person may not motivate another.

    1. That's right Renard. Thanks for commenting!
