F How is 2021 treating you? - My Local Adventures Blog

How is 2021 treating you?

I recently saw a tweet that said something like this; 

'My year will begin in February. January still has drama from 2021'. 

That's exactly how I feel about this month. January 2022 has a lot of carryovers from the year 2021. So it feels like an extension of the previous year.

I feel the month is going on fast though. Do you feel so too? I want it to be over and go with the hardship after the festive season commonly known in Cameroon as "La Janvoise". 

Lol. Are you currently experiencing la janvoise? It's funny how between the 24th of December 2021 and the 2nd of January 2022 we enjoyed a variety of meals rich in quantity and quality but now the story is different. Janvoise will disappear when salaries begin to come at the end of the month. But in the meantime, people are bound to manage to feed and survive according to the means they have left until their next pay.

I know there are two groups of people reading this post: those going through "la Janvoise" and those asking why should people spend more during the holiday only to struggle later. 

Whichever camp you belong to, know that Christmas and new year are celebrated once a year and people need to create good memories with their families and love ones. I never really understood why people shopped more in December but in the last two years, I have come to understand that the bottom line is to make merry and be happy during the last days of the year. Some people do go overboard with the spending and they know they have to tighten their stomachs until the month of January is over. 

I manage my Janvoise with meals like Garri and Okro. You can see the fish head which is giving the impression that there is fish in the soup. Lol. Mind you we are in the heart of la Janvoise so eating this meal with the head of a fish is a pri-vi-le-ge. 

How is 2021 treating you?
The amazing thing about this meal was how tasty it was.
This is one of the best okro soups I have eaten in a while.

Whatever the case, Janvoise will soon be over and life will go on normally again. So hold on tight for you will survive it.



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