F Life Update || Motherhood is changing my Life - My Local Adventures Blog

Life Update || Motherhood is changing my Life

Hope you guys are doing well. These past few weeks have been made up of organizing my life. As you guys know I just had my second baby two months ago so I've been trying to organize my life and trying to adapt to the new life that I have now. 

My life is changing 

Life Update || Motherhood is changing my Life

When I had just one child it was easier I would say because I could manage just her and myself easily but now that I have two kids even though one is quite young, both of them have needs and these needs have to be met at the same time. This has brought about a very huge change in my life and most times I have to attend to their needs at the same time. I have to manage my time well so that I'm able to be available to both of them. Those are the changes that I'm experiencing now. This really hit me a lot these past weeks and managing the kids with work has not been easy.

My daily activities these past weeks included braiding my daughter's hair, feeding my baby that's breastfeeding, and also cooking. Well, I've not been going out much but I've had a few times where I have to go to the store to buy something or to throw the trash. Most of my activities these weeks have just been home-based activities and doing chores and then trying to work on my content creation on my social media as well as on my blog.  I created a new blog recently (https://africancelebritieslife.blogspot.com) so I've been trying to see how to create content there. I have also reviewed the niche and the direction of my content here.  So yeah those are the things that really kept me busy.

The one difficulty I face now is finding time to work. Honestly, this has made me think about getting help. When I just put to bed, my grandmother comes over and she actually helps me for 2 months. Since she went back I have been on my own and it's really difficult for me to manage the kids and work at the same time. Being a content creator requires that I come up with ideas and I need uninterrupted hours of brainstorming at times. But now I have to always be at the service of my kids it's not easy to actually keep up with that because sometimes I lose my ideas or cut my brainstorming moments and go attend to them.

 When they wake up from sleep or they're hungry or the baby needs to be changed and I am in the middle of work it affects my productivity. I've been thinking of a nanny but I'm really scared of nannies. When you don't know someone it's not easy to trust them with your kids. So I'm really having doubts about that but I really wish that I'm able to find a solution. I also considered a daycare or we creche but I really don't know if I should trust them more I'll prefer that they stay at home and someone watches them at home. Most times I get tired when I get the chance to work at night. And that has really been bothering me these days.

One advantage I've gotten from this is that I have lost some more weight. It's true that it's not the right way to lose weight but I feel lighter and motivated to lose more weight. My belly was so big even after giving birth since I had a C-section. I couldn't tie it or do anything for it to go back so it's just been so big. But these days since I've been struggling on my own and all of that, I really lost weight and I also caught a cold a week ago which made things really difficult for me. I caught a cold, my daughter also caught a cold and I was just praying that my baby doesn't catch a cold too. It was a stressful weekend and all of this has helped me to lose some weight. My belly has gone down. Though it's still quite big, compared to before it has gone down. I'm really not happy that I'm using this method to lose weight but I feel motivated to continue by doing sports to keep getting back in shape. My doctor said I can get back to working out at 3 months postpartum so I have like three more weeks to begin. I'm really eager to start being able to do physical like do sports for real like jogging so yeah that's the one thing that I'm looking forward to. 

All the same, I'm trying my best to find a routine that works for me to be able to be consistent in the things I do. There's always a period where we have to struggle to adapt. When we adopt it becomes smoother and finding a balance becomes easier. I want to get used to the things I have to do and find the best way to do them. So far I'm struggling to produce content for all my social media accounts and blogs and I hope that I'm going to be consistent with time.

About our 30 days self-love challenge; I'm really sorry guys, I wish we could resume last week like I said. I wanted to take some time and make it go on without interruptions but with all the things I went through this past week, I couldn't work on that so I'm planning to work on that as soon as possible to make sure that our challenge goes on without well. I would announce when it's going to be ready and when we can resume.



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