F I'm a boss lady, I don't need a man. How true is this? - My Local Adventures Blog

I'm a boss lady, I don't need a man. How true is this?

Have you ever been in a situation where you're really proud of yourself for being independent and self-sufficient, but then find yourself thinking, "Oh wait—I do need a man in my life"?

Well, don't worry. You're not alone.

As women, we're so used to being told that we can do anything ourselves that when people tell us that we need a man in our lives, we just think they're being sexist or trying to undermine us or whatever. But actually, it's totally true: all women need men in their lives. It's just that no one wants to admit it because it sounds like "you need a man to make you complete." But what I mean by "man" is not necessarily a particular type of man—it could be your dad or brother or best friend. It's just someone who can help you get through happy or tough times and make sure everything is okay.

I'm a boss lady, I don't need a man. How true is this?

The case of romantic relationships

The idea of being an independent lady without needing a man is a powerful one. But is it really true that women don't need men? I mean to be involved romantically with someone. The answer to this question depends on each individual woman's circumstances and values. While some women may be able to live happily and successfully without relying on a man for financial or emotional support, others may find that having a partner can improve their quality of life in meaningful ways. It's important to remember that no matter what your situation, there is no right or wrong answer to this question - only the answer that works best for you.

So when a woman says she doesn't need a man she's not proving tough and when she says she does need a man she's not weak. They are just being human.  



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