Long time no chat | Life update
Hello guys,
How have you been? Long time no chat.
Life has been full of changes and I've been through a rollercoaster of emotions.
I recently took a break from content creation and it did make me feel better. Though I feel like resting some more I don't also want to get too comfortable not creating. So I'm back.
I recently lost a long time friend and it reminded me to always choose to live without regrets. Do and achieve the things you want to because a fulfilled life what is important at the end.
Hopefully we get to chat about life more regularly and also share life lessons for aspiring African women on this space. I really want to focus on growing my blog and YouTube channel now so content will be really direct and practical. It will be from my experience and knowledge so I'm planning to do more life updates and chats about topics affecting especially aspiring African women and the world in general.
Do stay tuned 😊.
How has life been? Hope it has been treating you well.