F What are your dreams dear African woman? - My Local Adventures Blog

What are your dreams dear African woman?

What are your dreams dear African woman?

Can I be honest?

I wrote this post because I feel that we live in a society where people don't have dreams. I'm talking about African society. African women most especially don't dream as much. It is often said that what exists in the physical once existed in the mind. Dreams are important to build ourselves and our society. It is important to have dreams because we have a purpose for being on earth.

So what are your dreams? Do you have any? I dream of being a successful blogger. And that is just one of my dreams. It's not too late to have dreams. You can start now.

What do want to be or achieve? How do you want to achieve it and when? These are guide questions. 

Though it's understandable, it feels sad that our struggles in life have made us forget to work for our dreams and purpose to be fulfiled. 

Fellow African women, it's time to dream and dream big. The time to play small and stay modest about the things we want has passed. 

I hope you see this as a wake-up call. And if you already have dreams, you are doing well. May you work hard enough to fulfil and achieve them.



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