F Don't be afraid to fail - My Local Adventures Blog

Don't be afraid to fail

One of my greatest fears is failure. 

When you fail it feels scary. You don't know which way to go because you focused your energy and resources on a particular path. But you didn't get to the destination you imagined. 

Don't be afraid to fail

Fear of failure is not a feeling you overcome at once. It's gradual. Overcoming this fear requires you to remind yourself of a few things:

- failing makes you wiser

- failing makes you stronger

- failing makes better because you improve

- failing makes your win sweeter

- failure gives you a lesson to share with others.

Hope you remember these things when you fail at something. Failing is part of life. It helps us grow and do things better. It makes your success sweeter.

Like I said, I also fear failing but I'm working to overcome it so this post is also a note to self. 😉

Hope you enjoyed this post. Thanks for reading. I'll see you in the next one.




  1. Absolutely love this. I'm working on not being afraid to fail

    1. That's great. You can conquer that fear.
