F How To Cook Njama-Njama (Huckleberry Leaves) With Groundnut Oil - My Local Adventures Blog

How To Cook Njama-Njama (Huckleberry Leaves) With Groundnut Oil

Njama-njama (huckleberry leaves) is a vegetable that can be cooked in various ways. This recipe is made with groundnut oil. The traditional way of cooking Njama-njama is with red oil (palm oil) like in Khati-Khati.

Read: How To Cook Khat-Khati

I hope you like this recipe and find it easy to try.

How To Cook Njama-Njama (Huckleberry Leaves) With Groundnut Oil

njama-njama and chicken, huckleberry


To cook this meal, you will need:

Njama-njama (Huckleberry)



Groundnut oil

Smoked meat/fish/chicken (optional)



- Take out the strong stems as well as the yellow leaves of the huckleberry. Slice the vegetable. Wash it several times and ensure that it is clean. Put in a pot and boil. Strain it when it's done.

vegetable, huckleberry leaves, fresh, raw, green

sliced vegetables, huckleberry leaves,

washed vegetables, huckleberry leaves in a bucket

Njama-njama cooking in a pot

boiled njama-njama , huckleberry leaves

cooking njama-njama, huckleberry leaves

boiled huckleberry , njama-njama

straining njama-njama, huckleberry leaves after cooking, boiling

Wash and boil the meat, fish or chicken.

boiling meat in a pot

sliced boiled meat

Slice the tomatoes and onions.

sliced tomatoes and onions

Heat some groundnut oil in a pot. Add the meat and then the tomatoes and onions. Let it fry as you stir it from time to time. Put the seasoning.

vegetable oil in a pot, groundnut oil

frying onions

frying smoked meat

frying tomatoes

woman cooking, ngumabi blogger cooking in a kitchen
That's me in the kitchen.

Add the vegetables and stir so that it mixes well. Let it cook together for a few minutes. Taste to make sure it is well seasoned.

pepper, chilli

stewing vegetables, huckleberry levaes, njama-njama

stewed njama-njama, huckeberry leaves

Serve with corn fufu or any tuber of your choice.

njama-njama and chicken, huckleberry

fufu corn and njama-njama, huckleberry



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