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Preparing To Entrepreneur - Again

Starting a business isn't easy. Trust me. 

There's a lot to think about at the same time that will overwork your brain. No matter how small the business. My journey of getting back to entrepreneurship has made me mad busy these past weeks. Ever since December last year, I have been putting together the things I need for my business. I am almost done with that now and it's more relaxing to think that I can start the real part of the business - which is making sales.

Before we get into the sales part, let's rewind a little to the stages that led us here. It's been an amazingly enriching journey so far as an entrepreneur so far. It has been a tedious one as well. A lot of decisions to make alone as I am a sole proprietor and apart from the decision to entrepreneur, the other decisions concerning the business have not been easy to make.

Lots of confusion, in the beginning, filled me with doubt on what to do. I asked myself which thing is right and what outcome I will have based on the decisions I make. This part of the business is nerve breaking. Seriously. I spent nights thinking for hours and researching just to make the right decision before I go to bed. And the next morning I was confused again. And the process started all over again. The one thing I learned here is that there is always a solution to every confusion or doubt. But each solution doesn't come at the same time or using the same means. You may have to do more research to find certain solutions or think a bit further and discover a whole new way of doing things which may surprise you.

Another thing I stayed true to was my instinct. I listened to it and tried to understand what it was telling me about my business. And sometimes when I was confused and couldn't really decide, I went with what my instinct was telling me.

Deciding to get back to entrepreneurship was more spontaneous than calculated. I have always loved to do business. I started but later stopped for a long while for some reason. When I started thinking of getting back to business I never thought of a specific time in the future that I should start. It always felt like I should be doing it now - at the moment I was thinking about it. I felt like I was already late and I was wasting time. While I was pregnant with Coucou and nursing her, the desire to revive my businesses grew stronger. When I had some money to invest, I started buying the things I needed. The money didn't come at once. I just kept investing the little I got from time to time. And here we are back in business.

I intend to start selling today and will share my journey with you guys and the lessons I learn while doing business in Cameroon. My products are sold online as I can't afford a store right now. My parlour has become a warehouse, lol, with huge bags of clothes for men women and children.

My current warehouse/parlour. There's still some unorganized stuff in there too.

For now, I have three businesses. One sells kids' wear between 0 - 15 years and the other is my brand which creates stylish and comfortable outfits and accessories with African fabric for men and women. 

Check out the websites by clicking the links below:



  1. Being an entrepreneur is one of the greatest things that can happen to any youth in Cameroon! More courage my dear! So proud of you!❤��
