F Episode #3 : Personal Growth Update January 2020 - My Local Adventures Blog

Episode #3 : Personal Growth Update January 2020

I see most people complaining that January was long but I'm rather asking where did it go to. The month went by very fast for me. This year is running on wheels.

Meanwhile, my personal development has been slow. I feel so because I haven't read that book I said I was going to read - FU Money by Dan Lok. I downloaded it for free from his website but I guess I never created time to read it. 

Anyway, let's talk about the year in general. I often find a theme for the year but this year, in particular, I was blank. I had no idea what to adopt as a theme for the year. On Christmas day, someone talked to me about coming out of my comfort zone and that inspired me to use the theme DISCOMFORT. 

Why discomfort?

Nobody wants to be uncomfortable right? 

True. But we need to go through some discomfort in order to be comfortable.

It's not comfortable working to achieve something. But when you achieve it, it feels good.

We all seek to be comfortable; which is good. But discomfort makes you grow. You will not be happy with most of the things you do or ought to do in life. But you need to do these things to prosper and grow.

So this year, I am facing my fears and going the extra mile. This will make me uncomfortable but it will take me to the next level.

January has been more of a month of reflection for me. I think my year actually began in February.

Thanks for reading this month's episode of my personal growth update.
Do check out the other episodes of the previous ones below.

Episode #3 : Personal Growth Update January 2020



  1. 🙂 At times, we need to step outside of our comfort zone if we wish to grow.

    Do enjoy the rest of your day, Ngumabi.

    1. Hi Renard, Thanks so much. Stepping out of our comfort zone is stepping into the next level of our lives. Do have a great day too.

  2. Hi Ngumabi, I really do like this piece - it certainly should be considered an achievement when one finally makes that decision to step out of the comfort zone. Discomfort, fear of the unknown are necessary evils to get where we really want to be!

    1. Thank you so much for this comment. It means a lot.
