F How I Keep My Skin Hydrated All Day - My Local Adventures Blog

How I Keep My Skin Hydrated All Day

How seriously do you take hydrating your skin? I didn't make this a priority for my skincare until I realised that my skin products don't work well when my skin is dry.

Your skin needs water to help absorb and circulate vital nutrients. Hydration is key to skincare.

Here are the ways I hydrate my skin

How I Keep My Skin Hydrated All Day

Drinking more tea

I enjoy drinking tea and most times, it's an opportunity to increase my liquid intake.

Using a hydrating cream

I found a deeply hydrating cream and I use it to hydrate those parts of my body that easily get dry like my hands and legs.

Oiling my skin multiple times a day

I oil my skin at least twice a day and my hands after washing them so that my skin does stay hydrated.

Drinking much water

This is the easiest and best way to hydrate your skin. Drinking water also helps the skin to stay hydrated.



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