F Indispensable Virtues You Need To Level Up Your Life - My Local Adventures Blog

Indispensable Virtues You Need To Level Up Your Life

One thing I've learned on my level up journey is that you need to be ready to work on yourself and do most of the work by yourself before you reach out to people to help you.

Levelling up is a personal journey because only you understand what you need, what you want and where you want to be in life. So when you ask someone to help you level up or become a better person, the truth is that for his or her help to be useful to you, you have to be ready for a change. You have to want the change to happen and you have to be ready to do the work and invest in yourself in order for your life to change.

I have made several attempts to change my life for the better in the past and this time I realized that I am more ready and willing to invest in myself and take the steps necessary to make that change happen. And now I'm getting more positive results.

I will talk more about how to invest in yourself for positive results in subsequent posts. This time let's talk about personal virtues that will help your life in general and career in particular.

It's sad how certain virtues are going out of style these days. We see people on social media who are being paid to have fun in five-star hotels all over the world and we think that that's where their hustle began. No honey. Their hustle began way before that. They had some personal values which helped them move to the next level of their lives. Values that we neglect a lot these days but which are still projecting people to higher heights.

These people you admire and want to be like had to humble themselves and work their way to the top just like you are doing now. They had to invest in their hustle to increase their value as a business or brand then get to the point where people saw them capable and trusted them enough to collaborate with them.

Indispensable Virtues You Need To Level Up Your Life

Here are the virtues that you need to have for success. It has helped most successful people get to where they are today.

Hard work

Like it or not the virtue of hard work never goes out of style. Nobody is born with any knowledge whatsoever. The only thing we know how to do as babies which nobody teaches us is to suckle, cry and poop.

We have to be taught everything we know today which has been hard work for our parents, our teachers and for us who have invested lots of time and energy learning something. So why will you think that hard work is no longer a virtue to apply for a successful life.

If you believe your parents did a good job with the way they raised you then their hard work paid off. It's the same with your teachers, mentors and your bosses. Trust me they went through a hard time to train you and teach you or build the company where you worked in order to help yourself.

If you think good of them it's because they worked hard to make a good impact on you which actually is a success.

I see people encouraging others to work smart instead of working hard. But I wonder how one can become smart without working hard. No one is born smart. We learn to be smart. And if you train your mind to be smart, you will be smart.

And you have to work hard to be smart. Because being smart requires learning and being good at something.

Have the virtue of hard work instilled in you. As the term signifies it's hard but that's the best way to achieve the sweetest success. Be ready to put in your best and do what you want to do well. Be ready to learn all the tricks. Because that's how you will learn. And with time you will discover that you will not require to work as hard as you did in the beginning. That's when you start to work smart. Because you already understand your work and you have all the skills and experience necessary for it.


I can't count how many times I heard the phrase "patience is a virtue" while growing up. From movies (like The Mummy 1) and so many other people, I came across. It took me a lot of time and failing at trying to go ahead of time to realize how true this phrase is.

I have felt late in life for such a long time so I know what I am talking about. At some point, all my friends seemed to have and achieve something I was lacking and this made my self-esteem issues worse. Coupled with the fact that I had set goals like getting married at 23, having my degree in three years and controlling a successful business which none happened as I planned.

I got into the greatest phase of disappointment in my life. It took a while to begin to get things right or back on track. I was forced once in a while to be patient for certain things to happen but all I wanted was to catch up on the time I had lost.

I focused so much on the fact that 'I was supposed to be further with my life and not be at this lower point where I found myself. It hurt me and killed me every day and I put in all my energy to make sure I jump at least five steps ahead to get to where I was supposed to be.

When I didn't catch up I felt even more discouraged and blamed myself for it. I compared myself with my friends and even with strangers on the internet who are younger than me. It made me think "this is where I would have been if I didn't have this or that obstacle that slowed me down".

Now I have come to realize that patience is really necessary for things to work out. Some things do take time to happen. You need to be ready when it happens and have the ability to maintain it if not you will not manage it well and you will lose it.

You need to have patience as you work hard for what you want. You will fail and meet obstacles on your way some of them will even take you back to the point where you started, but in all this, you have to apply patience to your courage to move on so that you don't go astray.

Positive attitude & Self believe

Staying positive is very important for success. It can be hard to remain positive when you don't see results but only a positive attitude can attract success.

Make efforts to believe in yourself no matter how hard it is. Your confidence may fluctuate every day, your self-esteem may not be on top every time, you may feel discouraged and sometimes nervous. Know that this is normal.

Don't focus on how low you feel, but focus on how you can boost your confidence. Most people are not always confident in themselves, everyone has done at least one thing afraid and experts still say they still feel nervous while doing what they know how to do best. So don't let your fears or lack of confidence affect you to the point that you can't do anything to make your life better.

Kindness & Selflessness

Be kind to people with your words and actions even if you disagree with them. Be respectful and help others. It's important to have a business relationship with people but shows them some extra kindness because that will make them to always remember you.

Being kind to people is a great way to build a solid network. A kind compliment or a selfless action can build trust and open up conversations which could lead to a job or an opportunity that will help you. Practice kindness.

Integrity & respect for your work ethic

For the sake of your reputation or brand, you need to have integrity and respect your work ethic. This will take you far because every action that you take will contribute to your reputation with time.

If you show more integrity and respect for your work ethic then you will build a good reputation for yourself which will guarantee more clients for you in the marketplace.

Vigilance & Prudence

Stay vigilant and prudent as you interact with people and make decisions because not everyone has an agenda that is also favourable for you.

You will meet selfish people who will ask to work with you but will only want their own desires to be met. Stay woke. Develop an eye that decerns such people. Make sure that you define and defend your own interests in every deal.

Take people the way they are and find ways to deal with them as they come for your own good. Be wise.



  1. These are good tips! I agree, hard work is necessary to achieve the things you want! :)

    Hope that you are having a lovely start to your week :) I just posted my weekday wear linkup, I'd love you to join! :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thanks for stopping by Mica. My week started good. We are celebrating the youth day in my country today and it's going on great. I will definitely check out your linkup. :)

  2. These are some really good tips! Hard work & patience are absolutely key!


    1. Hi Kemi, Thank you. They are indeed key values for success.

  3. Yesss with these virtues all together, everything is possible!
    Love this inspirational post!


  4. Great list of values, patience pays off is one of my favourite xx

    Gemma • Gemma Etc . ❤️

    1. Thanks dear. That's one of my favourites too.

  5. This is such a beautiful read dear, and I couldn't agree more! Jessica | notjessfashion.com
