F 6 Free Ways To Support Your Favourite Blogger - My Local Adventures Blog

6 Free Ways To Support Your Favourite Blogger

Bloggers are content creators who make the internet very useful to everyone. Every article you've read or that has helped you one way or the other was written and posted by a blogger or a content creator whose aim was to help those in need of that information.

I started blogging out of passion and I also realized that my blog helps others make better decisions about a product they want to purchase, treat a skin problem or solve a life situation which they find difficult to handle by themselves. This information is often given for free to our readers and we get satisfaction from the feedback we get. 

Despite the passion we feel for blogging, we can get discouraged at times and lose the inspiration to write. The lack of motivation may be a result of little or no feedback or the lack of resources to keep on blogging. A blogger could also be going through 'life' as we usually say. We are human too and one life situation could cause us to become discouraged or not think of blogging.

If you've ever wondered how to support your favourite blogger or encourage them to keep doing what they do, then here are a few ways you can do so. These methods are free and don't take anything from you other than your time.

How to support your favourite blogger for free

6 Free Ways To Support Your Favourite Blogger

1) Read their Blogs

Isn't that obvious? Reading the blog posts of your favourite blogger(s) is a way of supporting and encouraging them. Bloggers need views! They love it when their blogs are being read. That's why they put out the blog post - for it to be read. So please read the blog posts of the blogger(s) you love and care about. Thanks for reading this post by the way!

2) Click on Ads on their blogs

Do click on the advertisement (Ads) you see on our blogs. Especially if you need the product or are just curious about it. Yes, bloggers make money from the Ads you click on (if they are Google Adsense Ads) and yes, bloggers do need money too. They want to make money from their passion just like all other artists or creators out there are making some money from their passion. 

If you love a blogger or their work, then you shouldn't ignore the ads that you see on their sidebars and within their blog posts. Clicking on an ad is free! It takes nothing from your wallet. 

When you see any ads that are relevant to you and you feel curious, click to find out more. This helps you satisfy your curiosity and also helps your favourite blogger(s) make some money.

3) Leave them comments on their blogs

And please be nice in your comments. I'm not saying that you shouldn't say your mind sometimes but just put it in the nicest way possible. We are humans too and can seriously be hurt by your words. Let your criticism be constructive and stay polite while you do it.

Comments make bloggers feel extra happy because they know that their blog really made an impact on the person commenting. If you enjoyed the post or have another perspective then share your thoughts in the comment section of the blog. This will really encourage your favourite blogger(s). 

Another reason we love comments is that we really want to know our readers and what they will like to read on our blogs. So when you leave a comment, we get to know you (better) and write blog posts with you in mind.

4) Send them encouraging private messages

You can write a cool message or mail to encourage the blogger(s) you like. Especially when they stay for a while without posting new content. They may be going through a 'life' and a simple message will really be nice. Just say 'Hi' and tell them you miss them posting new blogs or that you read their blog always. Also telling them how their blog has inspired you to do something is a very good thing to say to your favourite blogger(s).

5) Give them a shout-out on social media

A shout-out to your favourite blogger(s) with a sweet message will be nice. It will help them to be discovered by more people and increase their blog visits or followers on social media.

6) Recommend and share their blog with others who need it

Please never hesitate to recommend good blogs to those your friends and family. Sharing is caring oh. Please share our blogs with those people who may need the information we share on our blogs.

Those are the six ways that you can support and encourage your favourite blogs. And they are all free! 

Please share this blog with your friends. I hope you enjoyed reading it as well. Thanks for supporting me by reading this blog post until the end. I'm grateful! 

I also want to thank all those who have been visiting, reading and commenting on my blogs. You guys rock! Thank you! I hope you keep on supporting me and I hope to keep writing interesting posts for you guys.



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