F What My Six-Month-Old Eats (And Drinks) In A Day! - My Local Adventures Blog

What My Six-Month-Old Eats (And Drinks) In A Day!

My daughter just turned six months old. I can't thank God enough for this joy he let me experience. It's been sweet six months of bonding and getting to know each other. Though there have been ups and downs, I don't regret any minute being a mother.

Half a year is such a big deal in the life of a baby so today, I'm sharing with you what my six-month-old eats in a day.

https://mylocaladventuresblog.blogspot.com/ - What My Six-Month-Old Eats (And Drinks) In A Day!

This Is What My Six-Month-Old Eats (And Drinks) In A Day!


Normally I planned to wean her at six months, but a month ago I decided to breastfeed her for some more time. I guess I'm enjoying our mother-daughter time during breastfeeding and I just feel it's not yet time to wean her as well. I didn't imagine that I would enjoy breastfeeding - like it hurt so bad during the first month that I kept saying to myself that I can't wait to wean her. But now it's an enjoyable moment for both of us though it can be such a struggle when she is distracted, lol.

Mashed Banana / Pawpaw

https://mylocaladventuresblog.blogspot.com/ - ripe banana

Another thing that my six-month-old-daughter eats is banana or pawpaw fruit. Each day she eats one of these two fruits though most of the times its banana. I scrap it gently with a spoon and mash it for the texture to be smooth before she eats. At first, I mixed it with orange juice but later realised it was better that she eats both separately. Which brings me to my next food which is...

Orange Juice

https://mylocaladventuresblog.blogspot.com/ - Ripe orange

I simply squeeze the orange and she drinks it right after eating the mashed banana. I personally don't think she should be drinking orange juice on an empty stomach so I give it to her right after the banana.


https://mylocaladventuresblog.blogspot.com/ - baby homemade pap, akamu

If you don't know what pap is; it is a meal made from corn which is ground wet or dry and cooked to give a smooth paste. For children or babies, it is enriched with other foods that are rich in nutrients. You can compose your baby's pap by yourself and I will soon be sharing my recipe on the blog. So my baby eats pap at least once a day.


Water is an important part of her diet. She drinks water regularly and throughout the day.

That's what my six-month-old eats in a day. As you noticed it's all homemade. That's because it's cheaper and also more trusted food. I may consider other baby food but that's it for now. I just thought I should share with you guys who are curious and also other moms who want to know what other moms feed their six-month-olds.



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