F Hopefully, my phone gets fixed soon - My Local Adventures Blog

Hopefully, my phone gets fixed soon

With a smile, I warmed up my hands to type this post. These past days have been challenging as my phone got bad and it's been a bit stressful trying to repair it. That's why I haven't been very present online in producing content these past weeks. 

Apart from me feeling better, I hope you are doing well and that all is well with you on your end. 

Not being able to use my phone as often as I did force me to lean back and watch more TV. It also made me do some things I have been putting aside for later like organising products for my businesses - Ngumis and Bouncing Babies CMR.

These days I've been trying to do as much work as I can on my computer. My phone is at the centre of my content creation as I need it to take pictures/videos and edit and upload content.  

Hopefully, my phone gets fixed today because the last time, I was told the part that needs to be changed which is the charging port of the phone wasn't available. I was given the option to use a cheaper method of welding the charging port which is bad but I don't think that is a solution that will last. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the new charging port is available at the repairer. 



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