8 Signs You Are Not A Go-Getter Girl
I guess many of us already know the profile or qualities of a go-getter but don't know what qualifies someone who is not a go-getter.
But let's define who a go-getter is.
But let's define who a go-getter is.
A go-getter girl is a very driven and passionate woman who is intentional and fearless in pursuing her objectives in life.
It's either you are a go-getter or you are not. And there are signs to show that you are one. I would have written this post to give you the signs that you are a go-getter but I decided to flip it around. If you have some of these signs then sorry, you probably are not a go-getter girl.
How to Know You Are Not a Go-Getter Girl
1. You let fear stop you from pursuing your dreams: You are not courageous enough to go for your dreams
You fear what will happen, how people will see you and what they will say about you when you follow your dreams. But I have more than one question for you, 'Do these people contribute anything other than fear to your life? Do they even genuinely care about you? What do you stand to lose if they talk about you and your crazy desire to achieve your dreams?'
See, I used to be one of those who feared what people will say if they found out that I had a blog. I felt terrified that they will laugh at me, say that I am frustrated and that I have lost my way. So I didn't even let myself share my posts on my Facebook timeline. Because of this, I didn't make much effort to blog more until the day I decided to stop worrying about what my friends on Facebook, think and just post it.
By the way, I have judged others as crazy and lost in the past because they followed their dream so I could only imagine what others would be saying about me blogging.
But with time I learned not to care and keep doing my thing. I made my mistakes and became better in the eyes of so many and I am so glad I took that first step.
If you are uncomfortable with what your friends will think about you taking a path that they don't understand, then just unfollow them and stay away from them if that will make you more confident to work more and achieve your dreams. That's what I did and it worked!
2. You let anything (obstacle) discourage you: You are not consistent
If you abandoned your dream after a few failures then you are not a go-getter girl at all. Go-getters know the taste of failure but also know the value of victory. They never give up as long as they know they are following the right path! They know that every failure is a lesson and a step closer to their goal.
Failure is not obligatory but it's very common on your journey to achieving your goals. You need to stay strong and remain consistent in your efforts to become a high achiever.
Failure is an opportunity to learn and not to lament or feel discouraged.
3. You don't know what you want in life: You don't have a dream or a purpose
If you don't know what you want to be or do, then you absolutely can't be a go-getter girl. Go-getter girls know what they want to do and who they want to become.
That's why they can plan their lives better and make achievable goals.
It sucks to be clueless about what you want to do with your life.. And this doesn't make you a go-getter girl.
4. You prefer to settle for what is doable instead of what you really want to do: You settle for what's doable versus what you really want to do
The fear of choosing your path in life makes you settle for what everyone thinks you "should" be doing instead of what you really want to do.
You prefer to be identified by society as a teacher, a lawyer, a banker, a doctor, a nurse, etc: versus being identified as an artist, a creator, singer, a dancer, an actor, a travel blogger, an activist, a makeup artist, a comedian, etc.
I know it's the dream of some girls to become a doctor, nurse, banker and all the other careers accepted by society and that is totally fine but most girls get into these jobs because they don't know how to go about realizing their dreams. So they turn to what is 'doable'.
5. You are always negative about pursuing your dreams: You only see what would possibly go wrong
Someone who is not a go-getter girl will see only what could go wrong with her dream and hardly the positive. They will dwell on the humiliations, embarrassments and difficult times that they will face pursuing their dreams.
It doesn't mean that go-getter girls don't ever get negative self-talk sometimes. But the difference is that they can still see the bright side and get motivated no matter how small their hope is.
If you think a lot about how things will go wrong then probably you are not a go-getter girl.
6. You are comfortable in your comfort zone: You don't want to get out and do anything that requires you to step out of your comfort zone just to achieve your dreams
Your comfort zone is comfortable and you love it. You don't want to try new things or take on challenges that will help you achieve your goals.
Go-getters make stepping out of their comfort zones a habit. That's how they learn and become better people.
7. You are not a risk-taker and don't like the pressure that comes with it: You won't give up anything to achieve your dream
You won't give up anything for a d*nm dream. You prefer to just do the things you are sure of the results. Life is more of mathematics to you.
The Go-getter girl applies more logic to her life. It's all about changing and bending the rules in her favour along the way. She is ready to risk it all just to achieve her dream and she also gets rewarded big time for the risk taken.
8. You keep wishing you were like other go-getters who are making things happen and succeeding in their lives: All you do is imagine your dream life but you don't want to work towards getting it.
If wishes were horses. A girl who is not a go-getter can only dream, and imagine and will not take action.
Any of us can become a go-getter if we choose to. If you identified yourself with these qualities but want to be a go-getter girl then all you have to do is to decide to become one and do what it takes to succeed. It's not too late to become one.