F Balancing Being Yourself & Meeting The Expectations Of Others - My Local Adventures Blog

Balancing Being Yourself & Meeting The Expectations Of Others

Be yourself and the world will adjust

While this quote makes being yourself seem easy, it is not easy to be fully yourself in the world we live in.  A lot of people face the problem of not knowing who they are because they are trying to be what people expect of them and not what they feel or think they should be.

Balancing Being Yourself  & Being What Others Expect Of You

Balancing Being Yourself  & Meeting The Expectations Of Others

It is important to find yourself and be yourself at all times but the influence of others can be overwhelming. The people in our lives may expect us to be different or act in a certain way which may not be the same as what we want. And this can be disturbing especially if you so really want to be you.

Their expectations of us can lead us to prejudge ourselves because we begin to see ourselves through their eyes. So learn to distinguish between your thoughts and the thoughts of others and keep the thoughts of others aside when thinking of the things you want. 

Don't make pleasing others a priority no matter what. Consider the desires of others but always try to understand their motive and what the outcome will be before you give importance to their expectations.

Parents for example want us to do certain jobs or careers and they may take various measures to make us do it. But if your desire is to do something different from what they expect of you it can be hard to control. To deal with this it is important to find out the motive for their desire. What is making them want you to do the career they chose? Is it because they really care about you and really want you to succeed or is it mostly for their own pride? Also, ask yourself what will be the outcome or result if you choose to do as they say or as you want? If you do as they say you may succeed but you may be miserable or you may not excel in it because your heart isn't there. if you do what you want you will be more fulfilled and happy and have a greater chance of succeeding because it's your passion so you will be more determined to succeed. 

That is a clear example of how to balance being yourself and what others expect of you. Do this to see if what others want for you is best for you instead of what you want. And if you will feel better doing what others want instead.

As you do this remember to be as objective as possible and always prioritize your happiness. Don't be afraid to be yourself when you are convinced that it is the best thing for you. The world will eventually adjust to your choices and desires.



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