F Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler - My Local Adventures Blog

Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler

One thing we battle with as mothers are time. That's why happy when I discovered this recipe. It's really fast and easy to make. On top of that, it is delicious and nourishing at the same time. 

Here is my easy recipe to make Irish potato porridge for your toddler. 

Easy Irish Potatoe Porridge Recipe For Your Toddler

Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler


Irish potatoes





Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler

Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler


Peel potatoes and cut them into very small slices.

Slice tomatoes and onions and ut them all in the pot.

Add some oil and start frying.

When the tomatoes are soft, add water and a pinch of salt. 

Allow boiling until it is ready.

Mash it and feed your baby.

Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler

Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler

Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler

Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler

Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler

Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler

Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler

Easy Irish Potatoe Poridge Recipe For Your Toddler



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