F Why you won't manifest what is on your vision board - My Local Adventures Blog

Why you won't manifest what is on your vision board

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your dreams will not come true just because you put it on your vision board. Making a vision board is one thing and manifesting it is another. 

Of course, your vision board represents what you dream of achieving in the future. It is made up of images and words or phrases that show what you desire to happen to you in the future. 

But your desire is not enough. You have to work for it to happen. You have to be positive in your thoughts concerning the things on your vision board.

What I am saying generally is that you have to make the necessary effort to make your vision board come true in word, thought and action.

Take action, speak and think positively to attract the opportunities and helpers you need to achieve your vision board. Remember the effort and action you take towards your dreams make you ready when the opportunity strikes. 

Why you won't manifest what is on your vision board

Making your vision board a reality is complex and could take long, so you must also embrace the difficult times you'll face while working at it. 




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