4 fun things I miss doing since I became a mom
Motherhood can deprive you of a lot of things.
Things like alone time, sleep and self-care are so hard to come by. But most of all you may forget what it means to have fun as you used to.
Here are four fun things I haven't done and miss doing ever since I became a mom.
2. Had an entire night out
3. Listened to loud music
4. Going on a weekend alone
Since motherhood began in my life, I have only managed to start a book. I have restarted the same book many times without being able to finish it. I really want to return to reading and other things like going out. I miss my nights out and weekend getaways. Even during the few hours I spent out, I'm worried about my kids.
I'm hoping to create a balance between being a mother and being myself in the future. It's not an easy process as I will always worry about my kids. But I also deserve to have a life apart from motherhood.
If you are a mom what do you miss about your life before motherhood?