F Why You Should Wear Original Designer Bags Instead Of The Cheap Fake Ones. - My Local Adventures Blog

Why You Should Wear Original Designer Bags Instead Of The Cheap Fake Ones.

So many times I have tried to write this post but postponed or changed my mind for fear of being misunderstood or judged that I am so designer conscious. But since we are now owning who we really are I will say this anyway.

I know there are girls out there who need to hear this so that they can start making the right choices concerning levelling up their appearance. So let's dive right into it.

When it comes to my handbags, I love to own original cute designer bags and I find it hard to compromise sometimes. It has to be an original bag or nothing. Even if it is the fifth hand. Lol, I don't mind. That's why I prefer to thrift the original designer bag than buying a brand new bag which is fake.

Here is the truth. Some of us love designer bags but can't afford the original brand new ones (yet). That's why we turn to the alternative of either buying fairly used bags from thrift stores or the fake imitation bag.

Also, the original bags are more expensive whether they are brand new or thrift. But I prefer to be patient, save up and purchase an original bag.

Fake bags are often way cheaper than the original fairly used bags from thrift stores. This is why more women still go for fake bags. They feel it's a win-win for them because the bag looks original, it is new and cheap too. On top of that the fake new ones are quite attractive and more good looking than the second-hand original designer bag, so why not?

But there are some important reasons why a lady like you who is levelling up, should rather go for the original bag even if it is from the thrift store. Here's why.

Why you should wear original designer bags instead of the cheap fake ones.

Why You Should Wear Original Designer Bags Instead Of The Cheap Fake Ones.

Because it is the original

As simple as that. Seriously, why buy a fake one when you are trying to be levelled up? Original things make you feel levelled up because it boosts your confidence. As girls, we love to ask each other about our purchases and the origins of the things we buy. Letting your entourage know that your bag is an original is definitely a confidence booster.

It is better to have just one original designer bag that matches everything rather than having so many fake bags fill your closet. When you go out you cringe each time someone looks at it because you just feel they are staring at your fake bag.

The original lasts longer

No doubt about that. The original is always the best quality. So go for it. It is also cheaper in the long run because the number of fake bags you will buy during the lifetime of one original designer bag will be countless.

A second-hand designer bag will last you almost a lifetime but a fake bag will lose its shine and wear out so fast, no matter how well you preserve it.

I'm talking from my experience. I used to buy lots of fake bags during my first years at the university and discovered the difference later on when I started investing in original second-hand bags. It helps me save money in the long run.

Buying an original bag is investing

I say this for two reasons:

- You can always resell an original designer bag for some good money.

- And like I mentioned earlier, one designer bag may cost more but will last longer than a fake bag which is cheaper but will require to be replaced every other month. So, in the long run, the original bag is cheaper.

Fake designer bags make you feel uncomfortable

Probably mentioned this already too. If you know this purse is not an original Louis Vuitton and you still use it, it doesn't make you feel any different or look any different because most times those who know what a real Louis Vuitton looks like would notice that it is not the original. This will make you feel uncomfortable while using it.

And trust me, when people are staring at your bag (especially women) they are looking to see if your bag is fake or original.

Please disappoint them by carrying an original because fake designer bags make you look cheap.

Ladies note this from today: 

If there is one accessory that upgrades your look it is your bag. Your clothing could be made of cheap fabric but once your bag is good and authentic you get an instant upgrade.

So go for an original bag girl.

This post is not meant to glorify designer or luxury bags. Any bag originally made by a designer is a designer bag. Whether luxury or not. No matter the designer you buy from, it's always better to buy the original bag. Some brands like Channel, Louis Vuitton and Dior have lots and lots of imitations being sold out there in almost every country. And these are the brands that most women want to have. Getting the original is always more advantageous than the fake.

Level up wisely girls. And don't go broke because you want to buy a bag either. Remember we have other goals to accomplish. When you are ready to buy a handbag, save up and go for a good one. You can have just one original bag and use it every day without fear of it wearing out too soon. Even if people notice that you have just one bag, they will also know that it's the original and they will be wishing they had the same bag as you because your bag will look good and new every time.




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